Asian Global Ventures Apps

Chat Offline 1.0
Ever wish when you can chat privately while NOONE can see what you are chatting? Have you thought of chattingwith text and emoticons in a stealth & secret manner where noone can track you? There is finally an app that can do that and wehave developed just for you. Chat offline, only works on directWifi P2P without any internet connectivity. The best part is thatwe have customized emoticons that will really blow your mind.Even if you were in a zone where there is no signal and internetand you are split from your other members, you can still chat withthem.Download the app and encourage your friends, classmates,colleagues and family to have this app and chat away!We hope you enjoy the app as much we enjoyed developing it!
4U 1.0
4U is like a Swiss Army Knife app. Ithasmultiple functions. The core goal of the app is that withinsecondsof your device being in your bag, pocket or hand you cansend adistress sms or email to your closed ones with yourpresentlocations. The app has even other functions like torchlightandvoice recording on just a couple of clicks. Very useful appduringemergency. Enjoy!
Story of Seasons Wallpaper 1.0
NOTE: The app is only for 10.1 Tablets.Bringing you the story of seasons featuring summer,winter,autumn & rain. Each image concept is original to itssinglepixel. The images are developed 100% in-house with our owngraphicsand design team. Ideas and concepts came from all of ourfans andteam members.We hope you like it as much as we loved to make it.We are coming up regularly with more apps and requireyoursupport and constructive comments. Keep checking back for moreappsand give us lots of stars and reviews!!AGV with your support is continuously "bringing imaginationsintoreality" through application development and solutions.
Flashlight 1.0
A simple flashlight which you can use whenyouneed it. A very light app. It has different color blinkingwithvarious speeds.More features to come!
General Converter 2.0
Most efficient and precisely calculatedconversion app in the market!The app is capable of converting various units of temperature,lengths, volume, area, weight, bits & bytes. It includesmeasurement units from both US & UK.Download this conversion app to enjoy a trouble free and lightapp with simple but great design.
Shumon Ahmed 2.1
In the Dhaka Art Summit 2014, the artistisfeaturing his work which depicts the core emotions of a motherandher son and the beauty of the piece is how the participatoryartmerges with technology to portray the emotional side of the art.Tosuccessfully bring out the emotional perspective for theaudienceto experience from the art; the featured artist, ShumonAhmed,approached AGV (Asian Global Ventures (BD) Co. Ltd.).It was AGV’s skills and specialization which brought theArtist’simaginations into reality using the mobile as a art space.Thetechnology is a reflection of the modern age communicationsystem.If a person downloads the app, then he or she would belistening toa 15 minutes recording which is provided by theArtist. Artist’sspace in the summit is fully depicting therelationship between thetwo people having a universal relation ofa mother and son and thelonging to connect. To exactly take therelationship to a differentlevel of emotional state of mind, theartist has integratedtechnology to make it realistic.
Hijri Calendar 2.0.1
Most accurate Hijri Calendar for manyAndroidDevices!!!Did you know that your English (Gregorian) Age is differentthanyour Islamic (Hijri) Age? This app has multiple features. Theappcalculates conversion between the Gregorian Calendar andHijriCalendar while simultaneously calculating your age,accurately, asper the two faiths!The app also provides various features which givesfurtherknowledge about the most beautiful mosques around the World.Thehistorical details & the amazing aspects of the mosquesareworth knowing. The app also provides details on specifichistoricalevents based on each Islamic calendar month.Last but not least, the app also accurately providescompletemoon phases of each day. It gives the exact shape of themoon fromthe past, present and also possible future!!Download this free app and gain all the interesting factsthatwill help you to gain more positive knowledge about Islam!!We are coming up regularly with more apps and requireyoursupport and constructive comments. Keep checking back formoreapps!!AGV with your support is continuously "bringing imaginationsintoreality" through application development and solutions.
Hijri Calendar Mini 1.0.4
Hijri Calendar MINI is here!!!After a successful debut with the original Hijri CalendarforTablets, we now have one which will fit in allAndroiddevices!!Did you know that your English (Gregorian) Age is differentthanyour Islamic (Hijri) Age? This app has multiple features. Theappcalculates conversion between the Gregorian Calendar andHijriCalendar while simultaneously calculating your age,accurately, asper the two faiths!The time of sunset & sunrise using GPS location isincludedto provide you the most accurate times. The app alsoprovidesdetails on specific historical events based on eachIslamiccalendar months.Last but not least, the app also accurately providescompletemoon phases of each day. It gives the exact shape of themoon fromthe past, present and also possible future!!Download this free app and gain all the interesting factsthatwill help you to gain more positive knowledge about Islam!!We are coming up regularly with more apps and requireyoursupport and constructive comments. Keep checking back for moreappsand give us lots of stars and reviews!!AGV with your support is continuously "bringing imaginationsintoreality" through application development and solutions.